Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Asians are skinny, Americans are fat

It is always said that Asians are skinny and Americans are fat. However, this is just a stereotype that is made because of the obesity in the United States is higher and the rate in Asian countries for obesity is lower.
In the United States there are always more fatty food and there are more meals that have more grease on the meal. However, this doesn't mean that every American is fat. Especially because most of the models in the model industry are Americans and they aren’t fat.

In Asian countries, most of the food is healthy and is made with less grease. Also many Asians tend to try and keep a slender body because they are afraid of getting judged by people. However, that does not mean every one in Asian countries are skinny. There are fat people in Asian countries as well.

In the end, just because people say things and you see a couple of people being fat or skinny doesn't mean that necessary everybody is fat or skinny. Every person in every race has his or her own body shape and it doesn't matter which country you are in.

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