Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Asians are good at math

Ever heard of the phrase “Asians are good at math”? Most people think that this phrase is true, but for me being an Asian I know that it is only partially true. Math might be the most popular subject in the Asian community but not exactly all Asians are good at math and loves it. I have a lot of friends who are Asians and sucks at math. They would tell me that they got F’s on their tests and wish that math never existed. I also am one of those people who doesn't like math. In Japan math is a big thing and usually your suppose to be good at it. However, not everyone is everyone when it comes to this subject. 

Stereotypes like this confuse people about other races. “Asians are good at math” might be true for some people but just like every other stereotype, these phrases are only true for some people. 

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